
2024-05-07 Lithium-free Sodium Batteries Enter Production

Natron enters low volume production.  The article says 70 Wh/kg, less than half of lithium.  “”…advantages such as faster cycling, longer lifespan and safer, non-flammable end use have made sodium-ion an attractive alternative…””


2024-05-06 Media Admits To Making Up Fake Story About EVs Causing Potholes

Media admits to making up fake story about EVs causing potholes.  The Daily Mail in the UK has been called out for publishing lies about EVs.  There are EV hate articles in the newsmedia very often.  A short YouTube video from Electric Viking.


2024-05-05 Tesla’s New Dojo AI Super-chip Will Be 40 Times More Powerful

A 5 min. YouTube video.  Sam the Electric Viking said that the supercomputer is now in New York.  There will be a new AI data center (being built) in Gigafactory Texas. 


2024-05-01 By 2030, 95% of US Car Miles Will Be Traveled By Self-Driving Electric Vehicles

I’ve probably already blogged this, but it deserves to be reprised because it is so important.  Tony Seba and RethinkX made this prediction in this report, dated 2017, available at the link below.   It’s been seven years since this report was released and recently there has been large incremental improvements in the autonomous self-driving systems.  The improvements were assisted by artificial intelligence, such that used by Tesla’s Project Dojo, which uses a massive array of AI processors.  There will be more incremental improvements in the future which will further contribute to the abilities of the software to appropriately handle more and more of the edge cases encountered while driving.

Most of the real time technical issues while driving will be dealt with by the AI software.  But there are hurdles that must be overcome concerning legal and financial issues that will be encountered.   What I believe is a huge concern is that there will be so much fear, uncertainty and doubt about the changes that it will bring severe challenges both legally and financially in order to keep the status quo and prevent change.  I think that the technical issues for implementing Seba’s predictions will be solved as he predicted, but there may be legal and financial issues that delay the changeover for years.


2024-04-31  S. C.’s  V. C. Summer Nukegate Scandal

Cost overruns from $9 Billion to $25 Billion, most of which customers will have to pay with higher bills.  Construction delays of many years costing Billions of dollars.  Executives convicted and served terms in federal prison.  Incompetent nuclear engineering and Westinghouse bankruptcy.  And the whole project was abandoned.


2024-04-30 IEA “Batteries And Secure Energy Transitions” Report

Quote: “”The IEA’s “Batteries and Secure Energy Transitions” report finds that capital costs for battery storage systems are projected to fall by up to 40 percent by 2030. This significant cost reduction will make combining solar and wind with battery storage more affordable than building new coal or gas power plants in many parts of the world.””

There still seems to be an entrenched group of electrical engineers who refuse to give up the notion that the grid cannot run without the spinning inertia of turbines.  The grid can be driven by high power electronics that can simulate the rotating inertia of spinning turbines – it’s called Virtual Machine Mode.


2024-04-29 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Might Have Already Peaked – They Need To Fall FAST

This is a long article in Vox with many links and some important graphs.  Climate Change is already affecting the Earth.


2024-04-29 Battery Recycling Shatters The Myth Of EV Battery Waste

Bloomberg is behind a paywall.


2024-04-28 US Plan To Upgrade 100k Miles Of Transmission Lines In 5 Years

Short article about deployment of enhancements such as high performance conductors. 

Quote: “”…and up to $331 million from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law for a new 285-mile transmission line that will carry more than 2 gigawatts (GW) of transmission capacity from Idaho to Nevada.””

The US just came up with a plan to upgrade 100k miles of transmission lines in 5 years


2024-04-28 Hydrogen Electrolysis Cell Uses Solid Oxide

Korean researchers build 8 kW solid oxide electrolysis cell that can produce 5.7 kg of hydrogen per day

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