Archive for the ‘wind turbine’ Category:

2024-04-16 California 100% Renewables for 30 Days!

That’s great news! One thing I just remembered is that the nuclear power plants (Diablo Canyon, Palo Verde) usually shut down for maintenance in the spring when demand is lowest.  Otherwise they normally run 24/7 and there wouldn’t be any time during the day when it would be 100% renewables. California exceeds 100% of energy

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2024-04-12 Florida GOP Operative Admits Role In ‘Ghost’ Candidate Scheme That Defeated Utility-targeted Dem

Dark money supported 3rd party candidates who siphoned off votes from Democrats, giving Republicans state congressional seats.  This money came from Florida Power & Light.  It was meant to defeat those who supported clean renewable energy.

2024-02-15 India To Build 30 GW Solar And Wind Facility

30 Gigawatts!  They say that that’s enough to power 18 million Indian homes.  This will most likely be the biggest project in the world – for quite some time.  It takes about 3 million solar panels per gigawatt, so if half the 30 GW is solar, that’s 45 million solar panels.  The other 15GW would

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2024-02-10 China Says Wind, Solar Are About 40% Of Installed Power Generation

The 15 MW onshore wind turbine’s blades are the least of this news.  The following is the big part of this story.  Quote: “”The China Electricity Council said in its latest annual report that wind and solar would make up around 40% of the country’s installed power generation capacity by the end of 2024 –

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2023-12-20 Bird Deaths 2015 By Cause

Don’t believe the big oil and fossil fuels industries’ lies. Wind turbines shows 234,000, electrocution by power lines: 5.6 million! Collision with power lines: 23 million!! But the worst killer by far is cats!

2023-12-03 EIA Webpage On CAISO, Curtailment

The EIA tells about how California’s excess solar energy is being curtailed. The solar should *not* be curtailed if excess capacity is the sole reason. CAISO should be mandated to curtail fossil fuel power plants before curtailing renewables, obviously because renewables are preventing fossil fuels from having to be burned and hence reducing the amount

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2023-09-12 Veolia Recycles Wind Turbine Blades

Veolia grinds up the blades and uses them as fuel to make cement.

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