Archive for May, 2024:

2024-05-14 Website

Shows progress

2024-05-13 Autonomous Solar Tracking System

For each direction of travel, it consists of two solar cells connected in parallel opposing to a motor that’s geared down to turn the tracking so both solar cells are in the shade.

2024-05-12 Giant Batteries Are Transforming the Way the U.S. Uses Electricity

This link to the article is supposed to be free, and *not* behind a paywall.  This well-researched article is a good article, with some statements that are disputable.  One example is that they state that lithium batteries are flammable.  The LFP cells now used in battery storage systems are low to not flammable.  There are

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2024-05-11 New Capacitor With 19 Times Power Density Could Help EV Batteries Last Longer

It looks like this supercapacitor could quickly charge and discharge, thus reducing the cycles on the EV battery.

2024-05-10 RethinkX Tony Seba Says Humanoid Robots Will Disrupt Society

In this 45 min. YouTube video Sam Evans talks about what Tony Seba predicts will happen when humanoid robots become part of the workplace.  What has not been discussed is how badly climate change and its consequences will affect humanity.  The consequences include climate refugees who cannot live in their native country.  The climate may

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2024-05-10 Flexitarian Diet Helps Limit Global Heating, Study Finds

This is extremely important, but it has been politically charged so that anyone who suggests cutting back on meat gets accused of political extremism.  That’s an absolute shame! A quote: “”In the US, agriculture accounts for more than 10% of total GHG emissions. Most of it comes from livestock. Reducing meat consumption can free up

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2024-05-09 DIY Sander

Short YouTube video shows how to make a sander that clamps to the bench.  It uses a Makita angle grinder motor.

2024-05-08 Steve Gibson’s Validrive checks fake drives for total storage space

Have you got a USB disk drive or flash drive that was sold at a price so low it was “too good to be true”?  Steve Gibson’s Validrive will do spot checks to see if the SSD or flash drive is really what it claims to be.  Fake drives are sold for cheap and the

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2024-05-07 Lithium-free Sodium Batteries Enter Production

Natron enters low volume production.  The article says 70 Wh/kg, less than half of lithium.  “”…advantages such as faster cycling, longer lifespan and safer, non-flammable end use have made sodium-ion an attractive alternative…””

2024-05-06 Media Admits To Making Up Fake Story About EVs Causing Potholes

Media admits to making up fake story about EVs causing potholes.  The Daily Mail in the UK has been called out for publishing lies about EVs.  There are EV hate articles in the newsmedia very often.  A short YouTube video from Electric Viking.

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