Archive for July, 2023:

2023-07-24 SCOTUS SCERT Ethics Reform Bill

This is 4 min. YouTube video. SCERT Bill passed the Senate. Sen. Whitehouse said that the Republicans claimed that the Democrats are going to try to pack the Supreme Court. But in his opinion, the Republicans have already packed the Supreme Court! Whitehouse quote: Instead, amidst the usual cascade of smears and innuendo, and unfounded

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2023-07-24 Hydrogen Repurposing Pipelines For Hydrogen

This article is on repurposing pipelines such as natural gas for hydrogen transportation. There are so many ignorant badmouthers that say the sky is going to fall if the natural gas pipelines are used for hydrogen. The standards worldwide show that hydrogen pipelines are nothing new. Hydrogen has been made and transported for almost a

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2023-07-24 Tesla Cybertruck Estimated Range, Battery Packs, etc.

InsideEVs gives some preliminary estimates of the battery capacities, ranges and other figures for the Cybertruck. These estimates are not official.

2023-07-24 IPCC AR6 WG2 Summary For Policymakers

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2023-07-24 Trump Veiled Threats Before Indictments

BTC – Brian Tyler Cohen’s YouTube channel has an 8 min. video about Trump’s threats on Truth Social. You can listen to Trump’s very own voice threaten us at the 2:20 point in this video. Update Aug 4; Trump threatened on Truth social “”If you go after me, I will come after you””

2023-07-23 I Was Into Rockets When I Was A Kid

I joined the Reaction Research Society when I was a teenager. It’s a rocket club, still going strong: We went out to the Mojave desert to launch homemade rockets. Some went up to a mile high, some exploded on the launch pad. They used a mixture of powdered zinc and sulfur, which burns very

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2023-07-23 Batteries Smooth The Duck Curve

Besides putting the duck to sleep, this puts the myth of “baseload necessity” to sleep. Myth: “You can’t have renewables alone. They need baseload to power the grid when the wind or solar isn’t enough.” Can Project Symphony Put The Duck (Curve) to Sleep?

2023-07-23 Hydrogen From Sunlight – Halide Perovskites

Making hydrogen from sunlight – photoelectrochemical reactions.

2023-07-22 Mission Hydrogen

Promotes green hydrogen – see what’s offered. Mission Hydrogen EN com

2023-07-21 Hornsea Wind Farm Builds Bird Nests For Kittiwakes

It’s a part of the ecological agreement for building the wind farms. In an industry first, artificial ‘bird nests’ have been built near an offshore wind farm

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