Archive for April, 2022:

2022-04-17 Texas Is A Walled Garden Of Bigotry And Hatred

I love this article. It starts with: (quote) << Texas is a walled garden of bigotry and hatred. It prides itself on telling people what they can and cannot think, say, or do in the name of freedom. For instance, it is so intent on avoiding federal regulations, it has built an entire electrical grid

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2022-04-16 Polyjoule plastic battery

So now we can use up all the plastic waste? Just kidding…


2022-04-15 Hibernating Battery For Seasonal Storage

The PNNL claims this phase change energy storage can hibernate for long-term storage. They stated that the room temperature battery must be heated up to 150 deg C to bring it out of hibernation. There are a few problems that I see with this. The battery takes time and power to heat it up to

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2022-04-15 Social Media And Climate Change Denial

Arlin Sansome I understand the “echo chamber” and “silos” that social media users get caught in. But putting all of that aside, the climate change deniers are being paid for by Big Oil. This is exactly the same as big tobacco did to deny for decades that cigarettes cause cancer. There was *no* social media

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2022-04-14 Watson’s Buzz Beeper

Watson’s Buzz Beeper I built this Buzz Beeper to find out if an audible tone could be used for sending simple commands, like turn on. Recently I built a microphone preamp with a bandpass filter that can detect my whistle. But it can be triggered by loud noise. So how about I generate a tone

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2022-04-14 Calif. Needs Massive Buildout Of Battery Storage And Hydrogen

San Diego Gas & Electric talk about electrification, which I assume means changing from natural gas to electricity. They base their predictions on needing more renewables plus storage and green hydrogen. They haven’t taken into account that by 2045, sea level rise may force hundreds of thousands of people to have to relocate further inland.

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2022-04-13 Gen Z Climate – Environment Survey

Quote: << By the numbers: 84% agree that “if we don’t address climate change today, it will be too late for future generations, making some parts of the planet unlivable.” The same share, 84%, believe climate change will affect “everyone” in their generation due to geopolitical instability. 69% worry their family will be affected by

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2022-04-13 Fusion And LCOE – Forever 20 Years Away?

Chris Gillespie The “net energy” is the catch. One **must** consider the LCOE – levelized cost of energy. If the fusion reactor requires that the energy used to fuse *and* make the fuels is greater than or equal to the output of the reactor, then the fusion reactor is a liability and is wasting energy.

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2022-04-13 Ford Dealer Markups Article

Those $5000 (in this case Ford) dealer markups are just fine – they force their prospective customers to vote with their feet and move to buying a Tesla. Just one more nail in the coffin of dealerships – they don’t have many years left before they will be gone. Also, if the dealer doesn’t advertise

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2022-04-12 Chip Shortage Actually A Wafer Shortage

For more than a year during this ‘chip shortage, I’ve constantly heard, Elon Musk should build a chip fab. Build a chip fab! Build a chip Fab! Over and over again. It turns out that the chip shortage is actually a wafer shortage – there are not enough 200 mm (8 inch) wafers to make

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