Archive for the ‘fake news’ Category:

2024-04-05 Musk Debunks Rumor That Model 2 Scrapped, Replaced By Robotaxi

Another false rumor spread by Reuters has been shut down by Elon. Also, Electrek stated: “”Tesla is currently building its new production systems for the next-generation at its Gigafactory Texas facility in Austin.”” Elon Musk shuts down report that Tesla is scrapping its ‘$25,000 Model 2’ electric car

2023-11-11 You Don’t Need To Replace EV Battery In 10 Years

Sam the Electric Viking dispells some myths that EV batteries don’t last long. There are so many lies spread by the big oil and fossil fuels industries. The EVs can last for twice as many miles as gas guzzlers. And the EVs can save 1000 to 2000 dollars or more a year in fuel costs.

2023-11-10 Uninformed Or Misinformed – Tell The Truth Instead Of Trying To Be First

“”If you don’t read the newsmedia, you’re uninformed. If you do read the newsmedia, you’re misinformed.””

2023-10-13 Trump Confused Between Biden And Obama

Brian Tyler Cohen plays us clips of Trump getting confused between Biden and Obama. He says “If Trump says Biden is congitively impaired, then Trump is braindead.” Other good clips from other politicians.

2023-09-24 “Trump, Champion Of The Shallow State”

“Donald Trump, champion and avatar of the shallow state, has won power because his supporters are threatened by what they don’t understand, and what they don’t understand is almost everything. Indeed, from evolution to data about our economy to the science of vaccines to the threats we face in the world, they reject vast subjects

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2023-07-28 EVs Will *Save* The Grid, Not Destroy It!

The big lie! This guy is making a claim that is a myth! This supposed expert claims that when all cars are EVs, after the Sun sets there will be no batteries on this planet that will be able to supply the grid with power. Watch this short under 1 minute video. Then remember

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2023-06-15 Shame on the Fossil Fuels industries for KILLING Millions of Birds!

I have absolutely no respect whatsoever for people who claim that wind turbines chop up birds – they do not! The sea birds avoid offshore wind turbines. Wind turbines on land are installing surveillance cameras and when they spot a bird close to a wind turbine, that turbine is shut down. Furthermore, the oil spills

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2022-04-15 Social Media And Climate Change Denial

Arlin Sansome I understand the “echo chamber” and “silos” that social media users get caught in. But putting all of that aside, the climate change deniers are being paid for by Big Oil. This is exactly the same as big tobacco did to deny for decades that cigarettes cause cancer. There was *no* social media

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2022-02-28 Who Is Behind Qanon?

Who is behind Qanon?

2021-10-06 90+% In ICUs Are Unvaccinated; Other Lies

90 to 95% of patients in ICUs are unvaccinated. ***** The Israel data on tik tok are lies. No evidence that vaccinations cause deaths. ***** Sen. Johnson is a liar and a member of the Cult of the Big Lie. Trump is the cult leader.

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