Archive for December, 2023:

2023-12-17 tbd

2023-12-16 tbd

2023-12-15 tbd

2023-12-14 Tesla Says Solar + Powerwall Cheaper Than A Generator

I hope so. The backup generator uses fuel, so the more you use it, the more it costs. Solar + Tesla Powerwall gets free fuel from the Sun. So use it as much as possible and save a lot on your electricity bill! Potentially thousands of dollars a year. Tesla claims Powerwall with solar is

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2023-12-13 EVs Are A Farce – Marc Rudov Says

This guy is another bozo who badmouths anything not following the dictates of Big Oil and the fossil fuels industries. He shows a piece from John Stossel who interviews Mark Mills, Manhattan Institute, who both brings up misinformation and disinformation. Rudov says, “There is no climate crisis, there is no climate change.” Another fool on

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2023-12-12 tbd

2023-12-11 Hydrogen Electrolyzers Made In China Are Having Major Problems

The hydrogen electrolyzers are having problems when run at less than 50% capacity, and have to be shut down. The makers claim that they would run at 30% capacity. At lower capacities the hydrogen leaked into the oxygen can exceed 1.8%, causing explosions. Also the Chinese are building a very long H2 pipeline. Quote “”…the

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2023-12-10 Living Ethically for a year

Spending a year of ethical living. More on this

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2023-12-09 Tesla Energy Business Growing Rapidly 90%YoY

Elon Musk said Tesla’s energy business could grow to be as big as the EV car business. A 90% YoY energy storage deployment. YouTube short video.

2023-12-08 Solar, Wind Myths Stall Fight Against Climate Change

Some of these Myths are ridiculous. More needs to be done to spread the truth at the local level.

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