Archive for April, 2022:

2022-04-12 Adapting to Sea Level Rise Will Be Extremely Expensive

He really made me very angry when he said, “”… because there is SIMPLY NO WAY we can carbon capture our way out of fossil fuel dependence.”” I just watched the video on PBS called Forever Wild. A town in Colorado was given 90 days to raise $50 million to rescue the valley floor from

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2022-04-12 Terrabox – Sand, Electric in, Solar Panels Out

This self-contained solar PV factory takes in sand and electricity in and puts out solar panels. But where do the other materials come from? Like the metal frame, the solder, the copper wire?

2022-04-11 “Degrowth”, Etc.

Suman Rao I’m in Southern California, where billionaires go to Beverly Hills for conspicuous consumption. I see waste every day. I can’t give away things – it’s extremely difficult to change people’s habits. There is not enough time to do that. The governments tried to make people wear masks and then get vaccinated, and antivaxxers

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2022-04-11 Consensus on Human Caused Climate Change – NASA

The NASA climate web page on consensus about AGW – anthropogenic global warming or human caused climate change.

2022-04-10 Photovoltaic Thermal Panel System

Dave @ JHAT discusses photovoltaic thermal panels and a system by Sunova. The panels are kept cooler and can last much longer – fifty years. My patron comment: The solar water heater panels have been in use for many decades, since before 1980. I’ve often thought that solar PV should be sandwiched with these solar

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2022-04-10 Trump’s War On The EPA Frontline PBS

I hope that history points the finger at Trump for setting us back 4 years in the war on climate change. Trump’s War on the EPA – Frontline PBS

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2022-04-10 Most Automakers Sales Declined In 4Q 2021

Mitsubishi beat Tesla for growth in the 4th quarter of ’21. That’s a surprise!

2022-04-09 Electricity Sector In India

India is the third largest, after China and the US.

2022-04-09 How Much Cost To Charge An EV?

How much does it cost to charge an electric vehicle?

2022-04-08 New Wind, Solar just Keeping Up With Growth In Demand!

New Wind, Solar just Keeping Up With Growth In Demand! We need more! This article seems to paint a picture that’s too rosy. This “global think tank” doesn’t have as much credibility as the UN IPCC.

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