2022-04-11 “Degrowth”, Etc.

Suman Rao
I’m in Southern California, where billionaires go to Beverly Hills for conspicuous consumption. I see waste every day. I can’t give away things – it’s extremely difficult to change people’s habits. There is not enough time to do that.

The governments tried to make people wear masks and then get vaccinated, and antivaxxers and anti-maskers had a fit and went into protest mode. The fools in government won’t do the right thing either.

But there isn’t enough time for people to change their habits. Right now they’re really complaining that gasoline (petrol) is 6 dollars a gallon but still driving these big gas guzzling SUVs. This big increase in the cost of fuel doesn’t even motivate most people to drive slower, or to make less trips to save money. The people should be car pooling to work. They complain about high fuel prices but they don’t realize that Europeans pay 8 or more dollars a gallon.

My point is that we can’t wait for people to relearn how they must live. We have to stop using fossil fuels as fast as possible. Electric Vehicles, battery at first, then later hydrogen fuel cell vehicles when they build enough fuel stations.

All fossil fueled power plants must be shut down. Renewables plus storage will take their place.

Here is more information about this.

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