Archive for the ‘Education’ Category:

2023-07-20 The Biggest Enemy Of Success

That first one, getting out of your comfort zone, is the most important. Others: Learned Helplessness – “I can’t do it.” The Path of Least Resistance – always looking for an easy way to acheve a result. But nothing worthwhile can be achieved easily.

2023-07-16 26H20 Radar Repair At Ft. Monmouth, NJ

In 1966 I completed basic training and went to Ft. Monmouth, NJ for 10 months of Radar repair training. The last half of the course we got to work on the actual Radars in *that* barn-like building in the photo. I was on the graveyard shift. There were birds flying around up in the rafters

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2023-07-14 GOP War On College Campuses

Manufactured outrage Ideologues hyperpartisan Reactionary kickback Anti-CRT Anti-Critical Race Theory “”There _is_ a crisis in free speech and academic freedom in publicly funded education, and the crisis is not coddled undergraduate students. It’s increasing political interference with what should be free, relatively self-governing academic affairs. As I mentioned in the book, for years, the Goldwater

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2023-06-29 Racial Quotas In Education Admissions

I thought about this in the past, and it made sense to me that when there are inequalities in a system affecting human rights, the system should be able to make modifications to reduce the inequalities. For instance, if the percentage of a race is over- or underrepresented in the higher education system, then it’s

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The Chinese are making PV panels in the 4 asian countries to bypass tariffs and ‘cheat’ the US. Where does the tariff money go to? I don’t know. But it should go to the domestic PV panel makers that are complaining they can’t compete. The money would compensate so that they can compete against the

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2022-02-11 Learn Chinese pts. 1, 2, 3

This is elementary.

2022-01-08 Should American Schools Teach Arabic Numerals?

The question is, “Should American schools teach Arabic numerals as part of their curriculum?” The answers show how little people know about what they’re forming their opinions on. Our system of the numbers 0 thru 9 is called Arabic Numerals.

2022-01-02 Dunning-Kruger Theory

I would have to disagree with the meme. Many of our elected officials are no more educated than the village idiots, and they think they are better informed and can make decisions better than the college graduates. And these decisions are made without the knowledge or wisdom of better informed people. This is the basis

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2021-12-12 60 Minutes: Afghanistan & Taliban

After the Taliban took over, the international humanitarian aid dried up. At the end “So you want to make 38 million people suffer for a few thousand [Taliban]? That math doesn’t work for me.”

2021-08-21 Salem Witch Trial Game In Classroom

My friend told me about a powerful lesson in her daughter’s high school class this winter. They’re learning about the Salem Witch Trials, and their teacher told them they were going to play a game. “I’m going to come around and whisper to each of you whether you’re a witch or a regular person. Your

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