Posts Tagged ‘US’:

2024-03-25 Ohio Solar Farm Largest US Agrivoltaics Project

Very short article.  Ohio’s largest solar farm will be the largest US agrivoltaics project.  The Oak Run Solar Project is 800 MW, with 300 MW battery storage. Ohio’s largest solar farm will also be the US’s largest agrivoltaics project

2023-12-20 Bird Deaths 2015 By Cause

Don’t believe the big oil and fossil fuels industries’ lies. Wind turbines shows 234,000, electrocution by power lines: 5.6 million! Collision with power lines: 23 million!! But the worst killer by far is cats!

2023-07-13 Tesla is the most wanted car brand in the US

Tesla is the most wanted car brand in the US. But I find this research a bit dubious. Tesla is the most wanted car brand in the US, study shows

2022-06-06 Possible US To Meet 2030 Climate Goals

It’s possible for the US to meet its 2030 climate goals.

2021-11-15 Land Use Throughout The United States

This shows the shocking amount of land used for cattle.

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2021-08-31 US Electric Generation Sources

Electric generation in the US, 2020. This chart doesn’t tell the whole story.

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