Archive for the ‘blog’ Category:

2024-04-20 RCWL-0516 Microwave Doppler Motion Sensor Module Schematic KO4BB

The modules use both the RCWL-9616 and the BISS-0001 but it seems the schematics are all labeled BISS-0001.  The parts values are different.  He gives some good information about them.  They operate at 3.5 and 3.98 GHz – the ones I have were advertised at 5 GHz.  Also he shows his own version that uses a

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2024-04-16 White Vinegar Isn’t Neutralizing NiCad Electrolyte

I put white vinegar on the areas where the NiCad juice turned the PCB green, and it didn’t seem to do anything.  So after awhile I washed it off with plain tapwater.  I used a soft brush and a lot of the green coating washed off.  It’s not in very good shape.  I’m wondering if

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