Archive for December, 2020:

2020-12-12 3D Printing Concrete Houses

Here is a video of houses being built with a giant 3D printer. Building prefab concrete houses was done by Thos. Edison over a hundred years ago. But this is a 3D printer driven by software.

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2020-12-11 Chernobyl Cat Is Very Radioactive

Wow, listen to the meter go crazy when it’s near that cat! H-O-T-!!!

2020-12-11 Facebook – My Hiatus

On July 1, 2020 I deleted the FB app from my cellphone and I didn’t do FB until Oct 10, and for those 3 months I really didn’t miss it. The reason why I put it back on was because I wanted to find out what the others were fighting about before the elections. Then

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2020-12-10 Vitamin D3 and CoVid-19

In this long YouTube video, Dr. Seheult talks about many studies that show that low levels of vitamin D3 are associated with higher levels of CoVID19 infection and worse outcomes. The body’s level of vitamin D is associated with skin color, sunlight exposure and the latitude where people live. The moral is that you should

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2020-12-09 Sunrise Over Austin, TX, Tesla GigaFactory Construction

Skip ahead to the 2 minute point for the sunrise. Joe gives us a drone’s view of Sunrise and a tour of the construction site. The Tesla Texas GigaFactory construction is going full speed with three shifts working. There is a huge amount of concrete being poured, steel beams being erected and all sorts of

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2020-12-09 Heimlich Maneuver, Hillbilly Style

Time for some levity. << Two hillbillies are having lunch when a woman seated nearby begins to choke. Hillbilly asks her,”kin ya swallar?” The woman shakes her head no. Hillbilly asks her “kin ya breathe?” Woman shakes her head no. Hillbilly walks over, lifts up her dress, yanks down britches and licks her butt cheek.

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2020-12-09 Killefer School AKA ALC History

Bill Anderson Thanks for telling us that. I started working for SAC in ’80 so I didn’t know how long we had been there before I came on board. Now I know that SAC was occupying the ALC aka Killefer School since at least ’72. The front of the original school is on Olive but

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2020-12-08 GM Streetcar Conspiracy

The blog in the link said, “The demise of the “Red Cars” was not a conspiracy, as some (including the film Who Framed Roger Rabbit) suggest. It was just a matter of the unavoidable market forces of supply and demand, combined with the march of time and technology.” This is false according to the

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2020-12-08 Fed Court Rejects Trump’s Approval of Antarctic Offshore Drilling Project

It’s time the world stops expansion of fossil fuels and expand clean renewables. The Orange Orangutan has done enough damage to the US and the world. Waiting for Jan 20 to get rid of Don the Con. And I don’t feel one bit of guilt calling Trump names because he calls HRC ‘crooked Hillary’ and

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2020-12-07 Tesla Direct Sales Banned In Michigan

Also partially left as a comment on YouTube. If the state is violating the constitutional amendments, then this will have to be taken to the federal courts and since states have deep pockets it will most likely be appealed and end up in the SCOTUS. It’s just a matter of time. Also banning Tesla direct

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