Archive for January, 2022:

2022-01-10 How Much Water Is In The Earth’s Atmosphere?

Water vapor is a potent greenhouse gas, so as CO2 causes the atmosphere to get warmer, more water evaporates and this positive feedback loop causes a hotter atmosphere, which causes more water to evaporate.

2022-01-10 Victims Of $200M Hack of Bitmart Want Money Back

Victims of $200 million hack of Bitmart crypto exchange are still waiting to get their money back.

2022-01-09 Nuclear Power Truths

The new nuclear power plants are experiencing huge cost overruns (Hinckley C 24 billion pounds) and decades to bring online due to construction delays. The cost of nuclear power is 3 times wind or solar, per megawatt-hour. It takes decades to bring nuclear power plants online, compared to 2 years for a utility scale wind

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2022-01-09 List Of What We Do To Mitigate Climate Change

We – everyone – should be required to have a personal list that enumerates what we are doing to mitigate climate change. Am I setting the thermostat to warmer in summer and cooler in winter? Are we driving less to reduce fossil fuels consumption? Are we reducing consumption of beef? And all the other things

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2021-01-08 Geely & Foxconn JV To Address Chip Shortage

This article says Tesla is building their own chips to solve the chip shortage. As far as I know, Tesla has never built the microcontrollers that are causing the chip shortage. Tesla designs its own very high performance graphics processors that take the place of Nvidia chips. These have nothing to do with the microcontrollers

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2022-01-08 Should American Schools Teach Arabic Numerals?

The question is, “Should American schools teach Arabic numerals as part of their curriculum?” The answers show how little people know about what they’re forming their opinions on. Our system of the numbers 0 thru 9 is called Arabic Numerals.

2022-01-08 Global Primary Energy Consumption By Source

This is an animated graphic of global primary energy consumption by source. Interesting.

2022-01-07 Vote; Electoral Votes

This Brooks& Capehart piece on PBS Newshour says some very important things about voting.

2022-01-06 MASS PSYCHOSIS – How An Entire Population Becomes Mentally Ill

This animated story is very appropriate for today, Jan 6. It’s sad…

2022-01-06 Election Subversion, Partisan Election Officials

This Guardian article paints a dire picture of what may happen with partisan subversion of elections. Trump and his cult followers keep propagating The Big Lie. But life is a two-way street and what works for Trump could be used against him. I think that if Trump can claim that he won, then the

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