Archive for January, 2021:

2021-01-17 Denial Of Overpopulation Article

Read what Sir David Attenborough has to say about this in his book A Life On Our Planet. As resources get stretched out between more and more people, the people will suffer and die.

2021-01-17 MIT’s Hybrid-Electric Airplane

A solution to adding pollution control to jet engines.

2021-01-16 Operation Occupy The Capitol Misled!

It’s a shame. Read the quote from Abraham Lincoln. We have thousands of people who have been misled by a president who puts himself above the Constitution, which he swore he would uphold. << Dennis Edmonds [said] ***** ****** Why do you suppose that judges at every level (and often judges Trump appointed including the

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2021-01-16 Covid Relief

Some comic relief 😂😆😆😂 •Half of us are going to come out of this quarantine as amazing cooks. The other half will come out with a drinking problem. •l used to spin that toilet paper like I was on Wheel of Fortune. Now I turn it like I’m cracking a safe. I need to practice

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2021-01-15 Should Twitter, etc. Continue To Restrict Trump?

The PBS Newshour is taking a poll of whether or not social media should restrict Trump after he’s no longer president. With 34 thousand votes the opinion poll is almost 2 to 1 to restrict. Trump said he could shoot someone in the middle of Fifth Ave. and get away with it. After the Capitol

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2021-01-14 Trump Vs. The Truth: The Only Way Is Thru Lies

It’s like Trump has a genie in a Talisman that he rubs and out comes the genie and in Trump’s memory the genie replaces reality (the truth) with what Trump fantasizes. The reality is totally gone. As was stated in the video below, we are not anti-Trump; we are for the truth. When Trump stops

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2021-01-13 Trump Impeached

It’s 4:33 PM in Washington DC and the House has received enough votes to give a clear majority and pass the Resolution to impeach Trump. More than 30 votes in favor with 10 Republicans voting in favor of impeachment. The news is saying that the Senate may act on the article on the day before

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2021-01-13 Big Changes Needed, Fast

My FB reply Karl Thidemann I asked you a question. The regenerative grazing you promote will benefit the land in the same way that hundreds of millions of bison did before they were nearly exterminated by hunters. How long will it take to regenerate the land? Regenerating the land will be pointless if it takes

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2021-01-12 Trump Said”It Was Totally Appropriate”

The Congress is getting more onboard with impeaching Trump a second time. Some Republicans – Liz Cheney for one – are saying they believe what Trump said was incitement to insurrection and will vote for impeachment. The Democrats may have enough votes in the Senate to convict. Trump spoke at the southern border and said

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2021-01-12 CoVID19 Vaccinations

The newsmedia are saying that in order to reach herd immunity by May, we must vaccinate 1.8 million every day. But we’re now vaccinating only 700 thousand. The CDC wants to give everyone 65 and older vaccinations. Also all 20 million doses distributed must be used for first vaccinations; none should be held back for

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