2021-01-13 Trump Impeached

It’s 4:33 PM in Washington DC and the House has received enough votes to give a clear majority and pass the Resolution to impeach Trump. More than 30 votes in favor with 10 Republicans voting in favor of impeachment. The news is saying that the Senate may act on the article on the day before or day of inauguration – Jan. 19 or 20.

Update Jan 20 – Trumps reign ends at noon. Here’s a quote tidbit from Politifact:


<< But both Thurber and Rockman cautioned that history might not be kind to Trump. Thurber said Trump’s challenge of the election and his second impeachment “will overshadow his accomplishments.”

Rockman extended that to Trump’s entire tenure.

“His major accomplishment has been the destruction of American governing institutions,” Rockman said. “Some people might not care, but the people who study government and history will.” >>

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