Archive for June, 2022:

2022-06-10 Stranded Assets – Trillions Of Dollars

Those same would-be stranded assets are already costing the world incalculable amounts of human misery, suffering and deaths from air pollution among other bad things. Stranded assets will be inconsequential compared to the saving of the Earth. At the end it said “…stable phaseout of fossil fuels” but there must be a quick end to

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2022-06-09 ESRI Time Lapse Of GigaFactory Nevada

Talks about the building and shows timelapse of the construction. Link is to instagram. I don’t have an account, so I can’t go any further.

2022-06-09 Climate Lost Without Total Commitment

The quotes at end are alarming.





2022-06-07 Renewables Cataloged By Global Mapping Tool

Australian and other renewables projects cataloged by global mapping tool from Global Energy Monitor.

2022-06-07 Neil deGrasse Tyson Big Numbers

I’m not done with you. Ten to the 23rd power – you met that number in your high school chemistry class. Six point 02 times ten to the 23rd power. That’s a mole in chemistry. Okay? And a mole is

2022-06-06 “Ocean Anoxia”, Future Hothouse Earth

This ocean anoxia is a new hazard.

2022-06-06 Possible US To Meet 2030 Climate Goals

It’s possible for the US to meet its 2030 climate goals.

2022-06-05 SMRs – Small Modular Reactors Make 5X Radioactive Waste

Small modular reactors produce 5 or more times the radioactive waste that full sized reactors produce. Quote: ” << Stanford University’s Lindsay Krall, who led the research, said information from the industry is “promotional”, echoing past criticisms that SMRs are still “PowerPoint reactors” with no detailed engineering to back up the concept. “SMR performed

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