Archive for the ‘Meters and Test Equipment’ Category:

2018-01-28 Getting Reputable Rechargeable Cells

From FB group Hobby Electronics When a manufacturer purchases parts for the product they are making, they expect to receive what the engineers department had specified in the department’s documents. When the parts are received, the Quality Control department is supposed to check to see if the parts received meet the engineering documents.  I know

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2018-01-08 RF Oscillator For AM Band

For FB group Building Transistor Radios When I started building regen receivers, the first thing I found I needed was a simple  signal generator.  I have a function generator, but every time I want a different frequency, I had to readjust the controls.  So I built a few RF oscillators to put close to the

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2018-01-05 Test Equipment And Kits

Also FB group Building Transistor Radios When I was a teenager, my high school friend and I worked for a guy who had acquired many thousands of dollars worth of test equipment.  We used equipment with famous names such as Hewlett Packard, General Radio, Boonton, Fluke and many others.  In the army, it was the

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2017-12-15  Royal 500 Capacitors Replaced

From FB group Electronics Hobbyists, regarding the Zenith Royal 500 radios. Clyde Hendrickson  There are two 50 uF, 10V electrolytic capacitors under the battery holder.  Replace them with 47 uF, 10 or 16 volts. There is also a smaller capacitor next to the other, it might be a 3 uF, or a 16 uF, 10V.

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2017-08-06 Seeing Digital Signals

From FB post about Arduino driving a ‘HC595 chip. You don’t need an oscilloscope to see digital signals.  If you slow down the speed, you can see what’s happening by looking at LEDs.  Everything is digital, just on or off. Plug two red LEDs, transistors, and current limiting resistors for LEDs (330 ohms), and for

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2017-06-23 Transistor Tester Arrived

I received the transistor tester that I ordered a week or so ago.  I ordered this one preassembled (the price was only a few dollars more) and with the plastic case, which I have to assemble.  I ordered it from a seller on eBay for $20. This is different than the component tester I bought

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2017-06-15 Capacitor Leakage Tester Ideas

I was asking about very old capacitors and their shelf life on FB vintage test equipment group.  The guys tell how good the old capacitor testers are because they have the “magic eye” to check for leakage. I was thinking that it would be easy to test any capacitor for leakage.  All that’s needed is

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2017-05-20 Telephone Line Kicker Meter

From a 2017-06-10 comment regarding a Weston capacitance meter on FB group vintage test equipment  Reminds me of the ” kicker” meters the phone techs used on the phone lines.  There was a polarity switch that reversed the pair, and the tech could tell about the line from the kick the meter needle gave when

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2017-05-03 Cheap Frequency Counter

I got these today in the mail.  Notice the temporary wire I poked into the connector.  I ordered some adapters but I haven’t received them yet.  I bought a frequency counter with the rubber ducky antenna but it doesn’t have the sensitivity that this cheap one has.  I got two of these for $28, free

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2017-01-18 Simulating An Analog Meter

A detector or discriminator in an electronic device might need to be adjusted to a very few points on a scale of a hundred or more points.  A digital indicator typically indicates only a fraction of that, possibly 16 points.  This is why the analog meter is still useful: it can indicate a small change

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