2024-05-21 How Renewables Could Beat Natural Gas In US Generating Capacity Within 3 Years

Quote:  “”Renewables are nearly 30% of utility scale generating capacity.  The latest capacity additions have brought solar’s share of total available installed utility-scale (i.e., >1 MW) generating capacity up to 8.25%, surpassing that of hydropower (7.88%). Wind is currently at 11.77%. Solar and wind combined now account for more than a fifth (20.02%) of the US’s installed utility-scale generating capacity. With the inclusion of biomass (1.14%) and geothermal (0.33%), renewables now claim a 29.37% share of total US utility-scale generating capacity.””

The price of Solar Panels has dropped dramatically.  This is a good article with lots of statistics from FERC – Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.

How renewables could beat natural gas in US generating capacity within 3 years – in numbers

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