2020-11-13 Desperate Trump Using Desperate Legal Tactics

Trump still won’t concede election.



It’s Saturday Nov. 14, more than a week after the election and Trump still refuses to face reality. He and his campaign cronies are still trying to challenge the election results in court. This article says that even if the lawsuits were successful the gains would be nowhere near enough to change the election.

I heard that the reason why Trump is so desperate is that when he’s no longer president he will no longer have the immunity protection and the lawsuits will attack him. The talk was about tax evasion and misrepresenting the values of his properties in order to get loans and avoid taxes. They say that a loan for $400 million becomes due next year and that’s another major problem for him. Here’s a link to an article about this.


Back to the election and Biden. The administration refuses to allow the president-elect Biden’s appointees access to the information needed to make a smooth transition. This is something that has not happened before and is unconscionable. The nation’s security depends on it.


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