Archive for December, 2015:

2015-12-29 Other Duracell Charger Failed

Last week I went to unplug the second Duracell charger, and one of the power plug blades pulled out and remained in the wall socket.  A year or so ago I bought a package of two of these chargers and soon after the first one failed.  I blogged it and filled out a report of

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2015-12-25 A High Voltage Christmas

Peter Bergmann, A pen pal of mine from Germany, emailed this short Christmas song he made to me.  With his permission, I’m uploading this to my blog.  I’m not sure if I can do it, since I’ve never uploaded a video and it’s over 17 megabytes.  Here goes. Click to view video.

2015-12-25 Joule Thief In Mainstream Media

Merry Christmas!  Happy Holidays, too. I found this article, to my surprise, in a summer issue of Pop Sci magazine.  I was surprised because when it came to mainstream media, I thought that the Joule Thief was a best kept secret; hardly anyone other than ‘techies’ knew about it.  But here’s proof otherwise. I think

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2015-12-16 JFET Joule Thief

I captured this off a video and tried to make it a bit more readable.  I think it was from Sanjev. I built it and it does work at 40 millivolts.  The 2SK170 JFETs are not common, and may be difficult to obtain.  Other JFETs can be used, but I haven’t tried them.  I wrote

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2015-12-11 Legacy Direct Himedia IPTV Box

Last night I attended a demonstration of the Legacy Direct BeyondTV streaming IPTV ‘system’ which apparently uses a Himedia box.  The Legacy Direct company charges $400.00 for the system, and is sold by MLM (multi level marketing) methods. According to some (this discussion says it all), it uses a Himedia box, which has a quad

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