2023-09-21 MAGA Repugs Misleadingly Interrogate AG Garland

These Republicans misuse a committee hearing questioning AG Merrick Garland – or probably more appropriately, abuse a committee hearing.

What they should be doing is asking AG Garland legitimate questions and *allow* him to explain in detail the answers. Instead they grandstand by making misleading claims that are purposely designed to be entrapments.

It looks to me that the Republicans put forth a statement that is misleading or worse, full of false assumptions, and ask Garland to respond. Then when Garland tries to straighten out their crooked statement, they interrupt him and demand a straight “yes” or “no” answer. They are trying to pin Garland down to making a mistake that they can use to make more false claims against the topic.

I would use a stronger tactic. When they state a misleading claim, I would counter that it’s not possible to answer this misleading claim. If they interrupted me, I would quickly yell back, “stop interrupting me!” And if they continue, I would be more and more adamant that what they were claiming was misleading. I would accuse them of political grandstanding. I would also state that the meddling they are doing violates the separation between the three branches of government. Because what Instead they grandstand by making misleading claims that are purposely designed to be entrapments.

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