2021-02-13 Article Talks Trash Re: EVs and Lithium Batteries

My replies to article cited by an “electrical engineer with 34 yrs experience”.


<< Ned Goldston
Thanks for the link to the article. The article is written with false information (e.g. li-Ion batteries cannot be recycled), the reference used is at least 8 years out of date, and the most telling is the last sentence: the author is a shill for the hemp battery industry. This article is bogus, and uses out of date references.

The amount of lithium in the latest technology cells is very small. They make an exaggerated claim that in EVs the lithium is 25 pounds — it’s less than that, and there is no shortage of lithium. The article claimed that there would be a shortage by 2020. There is *no* shortage. There is an increasing demand for nickel, and mining that is being developed. The EV batteries are being recycled responsibly by Redwood company in the US and Volkswagen in Germany, to name a few.

Get off your high horse and do your research with up to date references. The EV industry has changed radically in the last decade.

<< Ned Goldston
Said, “EVs can only drive short hops in the city..”
The ranges of Tesla EVs are from 250 to 500 miles on a charge. They can be charged in 20 minutes. There are thousands of charging points across the US. The adapter allows charging at RV parks. The adapter allows a Tesla to be charged at home for 1/5 the cost of gasoline.

One tourist drove his Tesla from New York to LA in 48 hours. Don’t believe me? You can watch the time lapse of it on YouTube.

You’re out of date. The times have changed. Do due diligence instead of quoting BS. >>

<< Ned Goldston
Said, “how about you show something to back up your claims…”
You’re the one who had to show something to back up your claims regarding the Teslas your friends have.

You don’t need rapid charging at home since it can be charged at night during lowest demand. The Tesla Superchargers are being upgraded to charge faster than 20 minutes. They were 100 kW, now 150 or 250.

The highway with hills get better mileage than stop and go driving in town. The uphill discharge is partly recovered on the downhill. Stop and go traffic uses up charge which is wasted as heat in the brakes.

The big waster of power is the HVAC system. Unlike ICE cars, Tesla had to use a heating element to heat the car. They are changing over to a heat pump that gets much better efficiency. And the heat can be reduced by the seat warmers.

Tesla is updating the software over the air often as improvements have been introduced. The arguments you claim may be solved by newer updates or in the newer models.

The Gigafactory Texas will be building the Tesla semi’s. They will be using batteries. >>

<< Ned Goldston
Said, “… [Have] inherent problems with enough power to make E[lectric] cargo transport viable.”

The specifications for Tesla vehicles are online, including the Semi, which they have had prototypes which are being used in Real Life transport from Giga Nevada for awhile. The “E cargo transport” is definitely viable.

The mileages are for EPA and Euro testing. There are dozens of “independent reviews” including Consumer Reports, which is the toughest. You’re the one who is “still sidestepping…” And you could be sued for defaming a product that has been acclaimed by many independent reviewers. The simple fact is that an $800 billion company does *not* base their products on your so-called “blue sky” hyperbole and still be unable to meet the huge demand for their products. What makes me even more certain that you don’t know what you are talking about is that Tesla has *zero* commercial advertising, all of their sales are from word-of-mouth from their customers, who often own a second Tesla, too. So I call BS on your claims. >>

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