2020-07-19 Air Pollution Deadlier Than CoViD19

What is the Number One, absolutely most important thing in your life at this very second? Without it, you will die in a few minutes? It’s the air you breathe, the one fifth of that air, the oxygen you need to keep you alive. This article from March, 2019 is serious. Toxic air is killing more people than smoking. Researchers say 8.8 million early deaths a year around the world.

<< “When we use clean, renewable energy, we are not just fulfilling the Paris agreement to mitigate the effects of climate change, we could also reduce air pollution-related death rates by up to 55%.”
The largest proportion of early deaths attributed to air pollution are among those who die of heart disease.



CO2 levels in the atmosphere
Weekly averages
18 Jul 2020: 414.53 ppm

This time last year: 412.40 ppm

10 years ago: 389.83 ppm

Pre-industrial base: 280
Safe level: 350

Weekly averages
18 Jul 2020: 414.53 ppm
This time last year: 412.40 ppm
10 years ago: 389.83 ppm
Pre-industrial base: 280
Safe level: 350
Atmospheric CO2 reading from Mauna Loa, Hawaii (part per million). Source: NOAA-ESRL

Scientists have warned for more than a decade that concentrations of more than 450ppm risk triggering extreme weather events and temperature rises as high as 2C, beyond which the effects of global heating are likely to become catastrophic and irreversible. Read more about our weekly carbon count.

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