2023-10-28 Solar Panels, Lies From Big Oil & Fossil Fuel Industries

Yes, it’s all about money.  New nuclear power plants are economically infeasible and the utilities won’t buy them.  The new nuclear power plants have had multi-billion dollar cost overruns and decade long construction delays. 

New nuclear and thermal power plants require a huge amount of water for cooling and have to be located near a source of water.  There’s not enough water to build new nuclear and thermal power plants.

The “oil guys who transitioned to green” are greenwashing – they say they are green but they’re lying.

The solar panels are warranted for a length of time and if the panel loses 1% per year then it would be “end of life” at 85% after only 15 years.  That’s just not happening; the panel may lose about 1/2% per year over its 30 year lifetime.  It’s a lie that panels lose 2% or 3% – that would be end of life at 10 or 5 years, and be within the warranty replacement period.

Most panels that have dropped to 85% are replaced and the used panels are sold, guaranteed to put out 250 Watts minimum.  They end up spending a decade or more serving in less critical areas.

The big oil and fossil fuel industries have been lying to the public for decades and have put us into this huge global warming mess, and they _must be stopped!_

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