2015-03-30 Crazy Geiger Counter

A relative was more than a little bit concerned, and sent me this link.

Dangerouse 32,000 mcR/h Radiation Reading by My New Geiger Counter from …: https://youtu.be/VuGL97jjI3k

These are false readings.  The Geiger counter is receiving electromagnetic interference from the light and falsely interpreting it as counts per minute.  There is actually very little radiation from the light.

Nuclear radiation is caused by fission of the nucleus, which has nothing to do with electricity.  The radiation would be the same whether the light was turned on or off.  So all he had to do was turn it off and the interference would stop.  The count would then go down to 14 or whatever.

But if the count was still very high with the light off, then the light would be radioactive.  That would be highly illegal, as well as hazardous.  I’m sure this would not have happened.

It just shows that the Geiger counter manufacturer didn’t do a good job of shielding the equipment against interference.  Most likely they wanted to cut corners and save money.

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