2012-12-13 Important Things Happened Yesterday

Yesterday, the 12th day of the  12th month of 2012, important things happened in my life which were not made a part of the public record, but were still very important to me.  Why am I saying this?  It seemed that many people thought that yesterday was going to be the end of the world according to the Mayan calendar.  Well, earlier in the year, someone wrote that this prophesy was not based on anything credible, because the Mayan calendar only came to an end and it just meant that the calendar would then start over again, after the end.

One of our co-workers got married yesterday, at the stroke of 12 midnight, on 12-12-2012.  I’m not sure what their reason was for this.  But everyone can’t turn back the hands of time.  Yesterday was the last chance.  There is no thirteenth month in the thirteenth year, next year, in 2013, so that was the last chance.  Did it make any difference to me?  Hey, I did some very notable and important things yesterday, that no one will care about, but will be remembered by me forever.  So I didn’t miss out on anything.

I wonder how life was like on the 12th day of the 12th month of 1212?  People getting married just because it was a special date?  Some tyrant executing his enemies on this date, so everyone would remember the date?  Someone freezing their butt off in some cold, dank castle?  Rats living in the thatched roofs spreading fleas that would later cause the Bubonic Plague?  Medieval knights jousting??   Or what?

Back to contemplating…

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