I wrote this article last year about my Blue Blinkies. I have rounded many of them up and I tied them under the eaves of my house as a substitute for Xmas lights. But I ran out, and had to use a bunch of other LED blinkies. So yesterday I called up my old ExpressPCB layout of the original batch of PC boards I had made. I ordered another fifteen of the boards and they should be arriving by the end of next Tuesday. I then have to cut them up and stuff them with the parts, so I can complete the decoration of my garage, which needs about 8 or 10 more. Looks like I can already get on the job of rounding up all of the transistors, resistors, capacitors, etc to complete the boards. I’m pretty sure I have enough transistors, since I bought hundreds a while back. But I may run short of resistors and capacitors. I need to make a BOM (bill of materials) so I can pull out a package of parts from my parts drawers. Oh it’s so much fun…
Back to experimenting…