2021-05-19 Hydrogen Must Be Fossil Fuel Free ASAP

From YouTube comment

The third most important thing (after air and water) is food, and agriculture uses huge amounts of hydrogen in making fertilizer. Now, the hydrogen is made using fossil fuels, mostly methane, and the fossil fuels must be eliminated ASAP. The hydrogen must be made by other than fossil fuels and the governments must force this to happen, by carbon taxes or by laws.

Rosie spoke a lot about the economics, but the “green premium”, the additional cost of going green, must be dealt with by governments. The economics will come as various methods are developed to solve the needs for hydrogen *without* generating CO2.

There is no time for ruminating about this. It must be done at all costs and the details will be worked out as it’s done. There is no argument among scientists about this; we have to get the ball rolling immediately.

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