2018-09-03 Nuclear Power Is Not Economical

from YouTube video TEDx talk comment pro nuclear power, see


To paraphrase an earlier comment:
“Wow! Spread the word! There is so much *left*out* with this talk!”
Did you notice he left out any mention of the economic aspects of nuclear power generation?

There are THREE nuclear power plants that are sitting partially built and recently abandoned due to delays and cost overruns. (V.C. Summer #2, #3 in SC, and Vogtle #3 in Georgia, see this list https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_cancelled_nuclear_reactors_in_the_United_States). No utility with any common sense is going to spend tens of billions and more than ten years for a nuclear power plant to come online!

The builder of the plants, Westinghouse, went bankrupt and left creditors with hundreds of millions of debt.

The US government promised they would dispose of the spent nuclear fuel waste, but they reneged and the taxpayer has had to pay for multi-hundred million dollar lawsuits from the utility companies.

The nuclear fuel, mostly enriched uranium, is *not* renewable fuel, it is a finite resource just like fossil fuels.

And the decommissioning of each old nuclear power plant and storing the spent nuclear fuel for thousands of years costs billions of dollars. That is really going to hurt the future generations!

It doesn’t matter if the nuclear power plants are good for the environment or not. As long as they are not economical and can’t be built on time and within budget, they are a non-starter.

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