From FB comment
What part of Texas? It’s huge! The eastern part is like Louisiana: hot and humid. But western Texas is like the plain states and Oklahoma: windy and drier, with weather extremes like tornadoes. And the coast gets hurricanes.
Right now Tesla is building the new Gigafactory near Austin and is hiring for its opening after June 1. Then they’ll move their HQs to there later. Plus SpaceX is building there, too.
Someone once told me that San Antonio was a good place to live. Wherever you go, it’s probably cheaper than California.
But they definitely need to get their act together so they don’t have another power failure during a cold snap like they did in February! That caused billions in damage from burst pipes!
BTW Native Californian I am and I’ll always be. Born and raised here, been to other states and Germany when was in the Army, and California is the best! That’s why forty million Americans are here: Southern California is the best!