Posts Tagged ‘California’:

2024-04-16 California 100% Renewables for 30 Days!

That’s great news! One thing I just remembered is that the nuclear power plants (Diablo Canyon, Palo Verde) usually shut down for maintenance in the spring when demand is lowest.  Otherwise they normally run 24/7 and there wouldn’t be any time during the day when it would be 100% renewables. California exceeds 100% of energy

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2024-02-13 Tesla To Build Largest 164 Stall Supercharging Station In California

That’s a lot of stalls! I also made a few calculations.  The canopies at GF Texas have 9 by 4 = 36 solar panels.  Assume each panel puts out 350 Watts. 350 * 36 = 12.6 kW. Each canopy covers 4 stalls, so 164 stalls divided by 4 = 41 canopies. 12.6 kW * 41

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2024-01-22 Largest US Solar-Storage Project Goes Online

It’s 875 MW solar and 3 GWh of energy storage. The 4600 acre site with nearly 2 million solar panels is not far from Edwards AFB, California. Largest US solar-storage project goes online

2023-12-03 EIA Webpage On CAISO, Curtailment

The EIA tells about how California’s excess solar energy is being curtailed. The solar should *not* be curtailed if excess capacity is the sole reason. CAISO should be mandated to curtail fossil fuel power plants before curtailing renewables, obviously because renewables are preventing fossil fuels from having to be burned and hence reducing the amount

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2023-12-01 California’s Salton Sea Has Lithium To Power 375 Million EVs

The naysayers criticize that there’s not enough lithium. But they don’t know what they are talking about. The problem with the very hot brine that’s got the lithium is no one has yet figured out how to extract the lithium from it. Another article about lithium price

2023-10-13 California To Phase Out Gas Cars Over 12 Years

California is going to phase out gasoline cars over the next 12 years. Good read, but critical of some things I don’t think are necessary. Quote from article: “”Automakers will have to gradually electrify their fleet of new vehicles, beginning with 35% of 2026 models sold, increasing to 68% in 2030 and 100% for 2035

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2023-09-26 EVs Exceed 30% in 4 California Counties

Where I live, in Orange County, California, I see a lot of EVs, mostly Teslas, on the roads and in parking lots. I would guesstimate by the amount I see and by the map that it’s 25% or more. Which makes me very happy because the EVs are helping to save us from death and

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2023-09-19 Calif Sues Big Oil For Denying Climate Change

I live here in Southern California, and I hope and pray that California is successful. But I don’t think it will be called a victory. Looking at reality, Big Oil has, since finding out from their own scientists in the late ’70s, based their business on a deadly, unsustainable business model. And they’ve ignored the

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2023-09-14 Calif To Require Scope 3 Emissions Disclosure SB 253

This is very important. Billion$ companies will be required to disclose their Scope 3 Emissions. Quote: “”Information is a disinfectant for propaganda of all types. The fossil fuel industry has been deliberately lying to American citizens and the people of the world about its role in global heating for more than 50 years. Being able

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2023-06-20 Bureaucracy – California vs. Texas

I agree that there is a lot of bureaucracy in California. But it’s there for a reason – many reasons. I think Texas will eventually be the same way when their population continues to grow.

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