2018-03-01 What’s Your Least Favorite -Ism?

In reply to people complaining about socialism, etc., ruining the state.

I get tired of hearing all the whining on the FB group Orange Talk.  Everyone talks about isms.  Conservatism, Liberalism, Socialism, Populism, and on and on.  Everyone is chronically whining about their least favorite -ism.  They attempt to categorize every person or group into a pigeonhole, each labeled with their least favorite ism.  Then they blame the problems they perceive on this group and its ism.  This attempt at pigeonholing just isn’t as simple as they make it out to be.

The simple fact is there is no black and white point where something is an ism or not an ism.  There are an infinite number of shades of gray, and one person’s concept of what is and isn’t an ism is different than the next person’s concept.

If I had a penny for every whine about an ism that I’ve read, I’d be wealthy beyond my wildest dreams.  There are so many complainers out there who want to talk, talk, talk, and do nothing about what they whine about.  Talk is cheap.  They should put their money where their mouth is.  Disney said, “Stop talking and start doing!”  Those whiners should choose a charitable organization that promotes their viewpoint, and donate to that organization.  Then stop the whining and moaning, and say something positive is being done to solve the problem.

That’s another huge problem.  The blame game these whiners play.  You never hear one thing about what good is being done to reverse their least favorite ism.  It’s like such a thing doesn’t exist.  It looks to me like they have been exposed to a group of chronic complainers and blamers.  I think that it never crossed their mind that they may be associating with the wrong group of people.  There are some out there who think the establishment is some kind of conspiracy.  The idea is that the wealthy are in control of the government and they want to turn all of the people into Orwellian puppets that they control.  Well, have they succeeded?  It seems to me that this has always been going on, it’s nothing new.  That was one reason why the Framers split up the government into the three branches.  According to economists, the wealthy have used their influence to get favorable decisions at the expense of the other 99% of the people.  The wealthy are also good at getting the public to believe the problems they cause are due to one Ism or another.  This is just to send people off track of the real problem.

These people who play the blame game pick just one small factor out of many, and single it out, blaming it for being the root of all of the problems affecting their jaded view of the world.  They make mountains out of molehills.  This reminds me of the HUAC and McCarthy era, when the government was trying to curb freedoms given in the Bill of Rights in order to purge their perceived threat of Communism within the U.S.  This, ironically, was called McCarthyism.

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