2015-04-18 Spectrometer On Your Keychain

I’ve been playing, er, experimenting with Geiger Counters recently, just to satisfy my curiosity.  My mind’s curiosity area went into hyperdrive when I found out about this device.  Just think!  A detective could examine a hair to check for arsenic to see if the victim has been poisoned!  Wow!  I can think of other, less morbid uses for this fascinating tool.  One could go out on a glacier and check to see if a pebble is the remains of a meteorite.  A doctor could examine a drop of blood for anemia, or who knows how many other things for a diagnosis.  On the spot, with no waiting a week for lab results!  You could check for food adulterants, and you might be shocked at what you find!  Coca Cola should be worried about their ‘secret formula!’  This is the first step in creating the food replicator (tea, Earl Grey, hot).  Chem labs can check supplies for purity.  And so forth, and so on. The possibilities are limitless!


2 Responses

  1. qs says:

    Wouldn’t it simply say “Nitrogen, oxygen and trace elements”?

    • admin says:

      I think it would… If the N, O, etc. were frozen! I’m guessing it can’t see gases, or if it does, that would be auto filtered out in the software on the server. The gases are sort of like pollution. Or more like contamination! Veeger!

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