2014-04-13 Samsung Galaxy S4 Problems

For the last month or so GS 4 has been a bit of a problem.  First started requiring charging twice a day.  I was thinking that it was because I used it a lot more.  That may be one reason but I think now that its about 8 months old the battery is losing a little bit  of its capacity, so it runs down quicker.

Then I started having a few problems in the editor and then other things due to the weirdness of the keyboard when I’m typing.  I would get an occasional crash when it would tell me that it stopped working.  I decided that it would be a good idea to power off and then wait a moment and power it back on.  I thought it would help, but it helped very little or not at all.  It was very frustrating when the cursor would disappear and reappear somewhere else in a text I was editing.  Other things were strange too, like the phone. 

My friend said he went online and bought a battery for really cheap for his Samsung, so I decided I would do the same thing.  I pulled the case open and removed the battery to find out what the part number was.  I put the battery back in and closed up the case in powered it back on and everything was okay.  I now it itching editing this blog and I’m no longer having the weird keyboard problems.  I hope that the other problems I was having were reduced or eliminated by the battery removal.  Also I was talking to some people the other day and they say they have iPhones.  They also removed the battery in their iPhones and it seemed to help.  Apparently turning off the power in a mobile phone doesn’t seem to clear the memory enough to remove some problems.  Only removing the battery actually clears the memory.

After this I ordered some batteries online for very cheap.  Samsung replacement battery only cost about $11 with free shipping but it shipped from Hong Kong and that will take 2 or 3 weeks.  I can live with having to recharge every 8 or 10 hours for another couple weeks, no problem. Another thing I bought overseas was up combination battery charger and two spare batteries.  These are not Samsung, they are substitutes.  But two batteries and a charger were about the same price as the Samsung battery – $11.00 with free shipping. They are 2800 mAh, slightly more than the Samsung’s 2600.  In any case I will have a spare battery to take along in case I’m running low on charge.

I’ve been using the new battery in the Galaxy S4 for a few days now and it’s working much better after I removed the battery. I went to lunch today with coworker and he just bought the Galaxy Note 3. He has had more than one iPhone in the past few years so I found it kind of odd that he switched. But he’s so much happier with the much larger screen. And the price is a lot less than the iPhone – I think he said he paid $300 for it. I think that I’ll be getting a Galaxy Note 3 ( or whatever the next generation is) next time I buy a new phone.

I’ve been reading about how Apple and Samsung are constantly battling in court over patents for their cell phones. The only ones who make money out of these billion dollar lawsuits are the lawyers, better known as land sharks. The real victims seem to be the users of their products. It seems so stupid; why don’t they just cross license each other’s patents?

2 Responses

  1. Paul says:

    I have a Galaxy S4 which developed a fault due to the battery being faulty. It ran down very quickly and ‘charged’ fast too. It was replaced under warranty and the phone is now fine. Paul

    • admin says:

      Hi, Paul. I’ve been having problems with the website, couldn’t get on for a week. Thanks for the info.

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