2013-12-17 Coin Cell Prices – Vote With Your Feet!

The coin cells are insanely priced.  I get five of them on a card from the dollar store for a dollar or $1.50, I forget which.  Then I walk into Radio Shaft and I see them for something like $4 apiece!  I hardly ever go into Radio Shack any more.  About the only thing I buy there are battery holders, but now that I use two magnets to hold the wires to the batteries, I don’t need battery holders very often.  Except the last package of AA cells I got from Harbor Freight had non-magnetic contacts (brass?), so I had no choice.  A year or two ago I ordered a dozen single AA cell holders online and I’ve used most of them, so maybe I’ll have to go back to Radio Shaft again soon.

Several years ago I went into a Radio Shack and took a few items to the checkout counter, and stood behind some other guy who had a few items in his hand.  After about ten minutes, we were still watching the salesdroids on the phone, trying to register customers’ cell phones.  Blah-blah-blah…  The guy in front of me just lost his patience, gave up and threw all the items on the counter and walked out.  I walked back to the shelf and put the items back, and walked out.  I have only been to that store maybe once or twice, and only if I couldn’t get what I needed at another store, preferably not Radio Shaft.

We consumers have to vote with our feet, and that’s what I’ve done with Radio Shaft.

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