2022-01-28 Greta Thunberg Addresses

This was 3 years ago and nothing major has changed; the climate changes have become worse. She said in 2078 she will be 75 yrs old, but it’s possible that most of the people on this planet may be dead; victims of climate change. I’m already that age and I may not live to see the end of this decade. Others younger than I shall be responsible for climate action or inaction. Their fate is in the hands of a few and those few may be held responsible for inaction.

If you deny climate change and you refuse to change your way and climate changes cause widespread disaster and discontent then you may find your human rights may be denied and you may summarily be imprisoned or executed. They used to call this lynching. You will have no rights because your inaction has delayed the changes required to combat climate change.

It’s incumbent on you to change the inaction to action if you expect to survive into the future.


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