2021-07-06 Spike Protein Is Very Dangerous, It’s Cytotoxic ++ CoVID19 Update

From YouTube video


(This antivaxx video may be deleted due to its being against vaccinations.)

I believe what is as bad as CoVID19 is the fear, uncertainty and doubt that is spread about the vaccine. We had a nation with thousands of victims dying everyday from CoVID19 and after more than 100 million have been fully vaccinated, the number of CoVID19 deaths has been drastically cut, thus proving that the vaccine is effective. The important part is that the number of deaths that might have been caused by the vaccines is much, much smaller than the deaths caused by CoVID19. The vaccine has saved the lives of many who might have otherwise died of CoVID19. And this is never, ever mentioned by these vaccine critics. They are purposely avoiding telling their viewers that the vaccines are saving millions of people! The vaccine isn’t perfect but it’s saving millions! There are other countries that are begging for the vaccines and the US is donating 100 million vaccines to stop this evil pandemic in their country. But the pundits criticize the vaccine for some minor problems. That’s literally causing deaths of people in our own country!

Update Jul 7 – News is saying the delta variant is twice as contagious as the original. Because 67% or more of people in the US 12 years and up have been vaccinated, the number of people getting sick and dying has dropped dramatically. But CoVID19 is spreading rapidly among the unvaccinated, with many getting very sick and dying. Thus the ones at greatest risk are the unvaccinated.

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