2021-06-28 Renewable Plus Storage Myths!

From FB group

Clark Richards

Alex claims with ZERO supporting evidence, “Wind and solar are a joke. In no way, shape or form can those things replace fossil fuels now or in the immediate future!”

That is utter nonsense!

“Analysis indicates that a network of land based 2.5-megawatt (MW) turbines restricted to nonforested, ice-free, nonurban areas operating at as little as 20% of their rated capacity…in the contiguous United States, specifically in the central plain states, could accommodate as much as 16 times total current demand for electricity in the United States.”

According to the US Department of Energy, the USA also has a recoverable offshore technical wind resource potential of more than 2,000 GW of capacity, or 7,200 TWh of generation per year. For context, this is nearly double the nation’s current electricity use.

That means that by developing those wind resources and mandating solar panels be put on every home, small business, and factory that is practical, along with strategically located PVC-solar and solar molten salt steam-generating industrial scale electric plants (and backup battery banks with their own backup diesel generators fueled by vegetable and seed oils produced by American farmers) linked to further back-ups consisting of geothermal, wave, and tidal sources to help cover base load and peak demand, all controlled by a new nationwide Smart Grid to send power where it is needed most, quickly and efficiently, we have the potential to generate UP TO TWENTY TIMES our nation’s current electrical consumption, without intermittency.



https://www.energy.gov/eere/articles/computing america-s-offshore-wind-energy potential





https://www. energy.gov/eere/articles/computing-america-s-offshore-wind-energy-potential

https://www.freeingenergy.com/how much-solar-would-it-take-to-power-the-u-s/


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