2012-03-04 ATCA, NOCCC meetings

The Antique Telephone Collectors Association annual show took place yesterday at Placentia Presbyterian Church, Placentia CA.  I got a few good pics of the stuff.  Those blue and white roundish “Public Telephone” signs are selling for $500 to $1000 apiece.  Just think of all the money one could make if they had collected a bunch of those long ago.

Today is the monthly meeting of NOCCC, North Orange County Computer Club.  The usual, I would guess, but check the link I just gave for anything new.  Next month, April, will be the 36th anniversary of NOCCC, so we will probably get a free birthday cake for lunch.

Well, there was nothing exciting at the NOCCC meeting.  Larry Klees went over to Bruxie and bought a Bruxieburger and showed it to us before he devoured it.

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