2013-06-15 Free Energy Advert a Scam?

Ad4FreeEnergy-MaybeScamThe adverts from google popped up a nastily flickering image of someone pointing to a hokey looking device that “power companies hate” because it supposedly saves you a lot of money.  I didn’t click on it because I don’t want to be bombarded with more of those ads, even though I’ve tried with little success to get unsubscribed from those stoopid ads.  I ordered a book on Amazon and after that, the stoopid ads kept wanting to sell me more of the same book!!  That’s why they’re so stoopid!

I just thought that if I post a screen cap of the gadget, someone might have seen it before or recognize it, and leave a comment.  It looks like a bunch of wires and electrical tape wrapped around a soda can.

I bought an Ebook on Free Energy from some company, and I put it on my Kindle and read it, and found that the U.S. government has funded some of these hare-brained schemes.  The book was long on stuff gleaned from the ‘Net, and short on text from the author.  But hey, I learned that I spent my money on something that was overpriced and that I probably could have downloaded most of it for free from the ‘Net.  Maybe P.T. Barnum was right.

I really believe there’s a future out there with an answer to clean, environmentally friendly energy, but I hate those hucksters who take advantage of people with false, misleading information.  And I especially hate it when the hucksters use mainstream advertising media, which exposes even more gullible people to their lies.

Back to experimenting…


    1. Thanks for that info. The site confirms many of my suspicions regarding “Free Energy”. When I first got interested, I downloaded a HUGE document called “Practical Guide to Free-Energy Devices” (free .PDF), which was over 30 megabytes of info on all of these devices. I put it on my Kindle and read parts of it over a period of months. It was interesting, but I thought that the author was rather innocent and gullible, since I could not see how some of them would work. If you have the time, downlaod it check it out.

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