2012-10-17 Free Energy Magnet Motor (Engine)

I walked into the office and I found two of the guys trying to make one of these free energy fans with a fan from a PC and four powerful magnets from hard disk drives.  He showed me the Youtube video, so I went back later and watched it again.  They couldn’t get it to work.   “Sure,” I told  them, “I can get it to work”.  Then I revealed the secret.  The guy in the picture has an air blower or vacuum cleaner hose beside the camera pointed at the fan.  When he puts the magnets on, he turns on the air, and the blades spin.  Simple as that.  There are no visible signs of any cheating, because you can’t see air blowing – it’s invisible!

One thought on “2012-10-17 Free Energy Magnet Motor (Engine)

  1. They cut the wires and inlay 2 CMOS batteries to power the motor. It’s just a trick.

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