2023-07-09 There Should Be No Tariffs On Solar Panels

There should be no tariffs on something that’s going to be saving the world from the damage caused by fossil fuels. There should not be any protectionism on foreign solar panels. China just set up factories in other southeast Asian countries and did an end run around the solar tariffs. They’ll just do more of the same thing. There is an *unlimited* market for wind and solar, and it’s the only way that the very low prices of renewable energy is going to end the use of fossil fuels. There is no need for domestic companies to force foreign competition out of the US. These domestic companies want to stifle competition and raise the prices of solar panels, and that’s preventing the takeover of solar energy across the US.

Meanwhile, the acts signed into laws will get the building of wafers and solar panels going here in the US. Every residential rooftop should have solar panels, and battery storage. Every parking lot should have canopies with solar panels.

End the burning of fossil fuels before they make the world unliveable, caused by global warming.

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