2021-12-13 Comparing ICE Engine To EV Motor

Meme showed an ICE (internal combustion engine) and an EV motor. I said it’s not a fair comparison. My reply:

Dima Bloom
I think the meme should say that there are more parts on the Tesla that should be shown besides the motor.

Another point is the most expensive thing on an ICEV is probably the engine; the most expensive part of the Tesla, by far, is the battery pack. I know some haters would say that adding batteries to the comparison would be like comparing the gas tank of the ICEV, but the battery pack is very complex and that’s really what this meme is being unfair about. We really are taking unfair advantage of the EV’s much less complex power train. If you look at a ICE from the first 50 years, it doesn’t have all those pipes and stuff; that was added to meet air pollution and fuel economy mandates. You could take all that off and the ICE would still run.

Even with the complex battery pack and electric cabling, the EV is still simpler than an ICE power train. No matter how you show them, it’s not a fair comparison. This meme was designed to be unfair.

Think about this: the EV has thousands of times more complexity, compared to the ICEV, if you look at the software.

This is not a fair comparison.

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