2021-12-12 Complicity Of Corporate Sustainability

Stanford Social Innovation Review

The Complicity Of Corporate Sustainability


<< Hell—they don’t even need to cut their emissions to be labeled a leader. They just need to aspire to it. >>


Other notable quotes:

<< Many awkward stances are difficult because they are also moral stances. As a theologian once explained to me: “Jesus wasn’t killed because he preached loving kindness. He was crucified because he preached justice.” In a sense, changing lightbulbs and cutting carbon footprints is loving kindness—there is nothing not to like. Tackling the systemic climate problem head-on, that’s ultimately about justice. And that will get you in trouble. >>


<< The safest level of warming is 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. Achieving that, according to the IPCC, requires the world to slash its carbon emissions by about 45 percent from 2010 levels by 2030. Then it must reach net-zero around 2050. This is the only scenario at which the catastrophic health, economic, and ecological impacts of warming are reversible.

Meaningful climate policy is, in other words, a gargantuan task that must be accomplished very quickly. And it’s very unlikely the entire world will achieve it if the United States does not lead, because the United States has contributed more to climate change than any other country in the world. >>


<< [Kelly] Loeffler (R-GA), according to InsideClimate News, is a “former energy executive” and “the richest member of the U.S. Senate.” Though she’s said little about climate change in general, she doesn’t have to; she’s positioned herself “as an ardent supporter of President Trump and his pro-fossil fuel agenda.” That agenda is not just to ignore climate change, but to make it worse by propping up fossil fuels and slowing down the clean energy transition. >>

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