2012-03-18 Invention That Changed The World

on March 18th, 2012 by - Comments Off on 2012-03-18 Invention That Changed The World

This device is the invention that changed the world.  If it had not been invented and developed, you might be speaking German right now.  You probably use this every day.  What is it?  It’s a magnetron.  That’s right, a magnetron.  In the 1960s, Amana, the company that made refrigerators, came out with a box that sat on your counter and did an amazing thing.  They called it the RadaRange.  Later companies gave it a  generic name, microwave oven, and the magnetron is the heart of the microwave oven.

I highly recommend reading the book, by Robert Buderi.  It’s a history of how the magnetron came to be how it was used and how vitally important it was to the war effort..

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