2021-07-16 Autonomous Ride Hailing Will End Mass Transportation

I read that Orange County Transportation Authority will begin construction of street car tracks in downtown Santa Ana beginning this month.


I have been seeing that researchers predict that in the near future, using Artificial intelligence, cars will become smart enough to drive themselves autonomously. Then the ride hailing companies such as Uber and Lyft will offer autonomous ride hailing at much cheaper rates.

There will be major changes to the way people live. Today, a car gets driven to somewhere and the person leaves the car parked for 95% of the time while he/she is home or at work. With autonomous driving, the car can leave the parking lot and go pick up and deliver a passenger on its own. Or it could go to the store, bags of items will be put in, and it can take them to a home to be received by a consumer.

Because autonomous vehicles can go anywhere without a driver, the commuter can hail a ride just like Uber of Lyft, the commuter will not need to own a car — millions of cars will be available for ride hailing.

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