2020-08-25 Kandi EV for $10,000; Natural Gas Phase Out

This chinese EV maker is selling the first thousand for $9,999 after federal tax credit.

Skip to the 36 minute point.



Natural gas will have less and less use in electricity generation as renewables replace gas turbine plants. That doesn’t mean the demand for gas will drop until its use for heating and fertilizer is replaced by renewables. But eventually all of the fossil fuels will have to go green, either by leaving it in the ground or by capturing CO2 and putting it back in the ground. Sometime in the future the industries will have to sort out whether it’s more cost effective to stop using fossil fuels or go to DCCS and CO2 sequestration. My feeling is that Big Oil will try their damnedest to have it their way, just to buy time. Maybe the government(s) will use the carrot and stick to force fossil fuels out of the markets.

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