Archive for the ‘generation’ Category:

2023-11-28 SMRs Aren’t Viable – a History Of Failures

The article was disheartening – but understandably the reality is renewables plus storage is so much cheaper that SMRs can’t compete The utilities will not contract for a nuclear power plant when they can get solar, wind and battery storage for a fraction of the cost per MWh. What I saw no mention of so

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2023-11-23 H2 Advocates/ICCT Don’t Understand PPAs, RECs, Wholesale, Retail Electricity

First, the Prime Directive: The release of GHGs – greenhouse gases – by humans into the atmosphere must be stopped. Burning fossil fuels for industry and transportation make up a major part of those GHGs. Fossil fuels must be replaced by fuels that add no GHGs to the atmosphere. Hydrogen is one choice. I want

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2023-11-15 HYDROGEN – You Wouldn’t Be Alive Without It!

I constantly see the armchair BEV (battery electric vehicle) ‘experts’ badmouth hydrogen FCEVs. The hydrogen is 3X less efficient than BEVs, they claim. But the ICEVs (internal combustion engine vehicles) they’re now driving are less efficient than the hydrogen FCEVs! So why are these hypocrites complaining? Hydrogen has been *safely* generated, stored and transported in

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2023-11-01 V2G Vehicle To Grid – Engineering With Rosie Australia

Things are different in Australia, but eventually the V2G will become common in America soon. Also VPP – virtual power plant, which combines many residential solar storage systems into a virtual power plant. This is being done right now in California. What is really heartbreaking is there has been so much badmouthing about EVs –

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2023-10-11 Tesla’s Virtual Machine Mode, Autobidder, Powerhub, Opticaster, &c.

Links to several of Tesla’s energy storage products. VMM explained. There are many critics who say that Renewable energy will always need ‘baseload’ generation – thermal power plants. But they are being proven wrong by these new inventions that emulate baseload generation with software. Tesla says (quote) “”As more wind and solar power replace fossil

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2023-08-17 EVs Support Power Grid Reliability And Reduce Costs

The problem with the idea of becoming more independent from the grid is something that the utilities will fight tooth and nail to prevent. They don’t want to lose customers and have them go off the grid. So they want to keep the customers as dependent as possible. Doing it the “cut the cord” way

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2023-07-21 Hornsea Wind Farm Builds Bird Nests For Kittiwakes

It’s a part of the ecological agreement for building the wind farms. In an industry first, artificial ‘bird nests’ have been built near an offshore wind farm

2023-07-03 FERC Proposes Overhaul Of Interconnection Procedures

FERC Proposes overhaul of interconnection procedures Article about FERC changes to clear the backlog of thousands of interconnection requests that are holding up renewables projects from connecting to the grid. Fees and penalties of tens of thousands of dollars. RTOs have already done some of this.

2023-06-29 Less Than 99% Grid Availability: Utilities Must Change To Residential BESSes

This is my comment to this article. What the utilities failed to consider is the extremes in the variability of renewables. The utilities are unwilling to build a sizeable reserve into the system. They refuse to overbuild by a factor of 3 to 6 times, so that the valleys in the supply will be

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2023-06-08 70 – 100% Renewable Energy – List of Articles

This article gives a list of articles, studies of renewable energy. 70%, 80%, 99.9%, 100% Renewables — Study Central

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