2013-11-08 Flash! Banana Erupts In Flames!

I was in for a very big surprise today when I pulled a banana out of the fridge and put it into the microwave for fifteen seconds to take the chill out of it.  I pressed 15 and the start button and watched.  About the 14th or 15th second this large fireball erupted from the end of the banana and went BZZZZZZT!  It scared the hell out of me!  I pulled the door open to stop the microwave oven, and pulled the smoldering banana out of the oven.  I looked at the stem end, and found out what had happened.  It got really hot really fast, and literally caught on fire, but then the steam inside of the stem spurted out and blew a jet of smoke out of the end.  The microwaves turned the smoke into an arcing ball of flame!  The end if the banana was still smoldering embers as I looked at it.

The lesson I learned is if I want to prevent this from happening again, I should cut the stem off of the end of the banana before I put it in the Microwave oven.  But then, just maybe, I might try to do it again. (sly smile!)

One thought on “2013-11-08 Flash! Banana Erupts In Flames!

  1. Cool unexpected fun.

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